21 Ditch Toxic Friends
My friendships are very important to me. Mostly because my family hasn't always been the best, they think I am strong and I can survive anything so they are never concerned with me. I tend to go to my friends for the help and support I don't get from my family, which has made some of my friends more like sisters. Lately, I have been feeling that there needs to be a change. The traits that I thought I had or that my friends should have such as being true, loyal, energetic, kind, thoughtful, and fun aren't there anymore. It gets to the point where you have to tell yourself that the reason to stay friends with someone isn't because of history. Friendships aren't one sided, you have to work hard at them. Especially as we get older and our lives change and start to look different. You tell yourself that you have to give the relationship one more try, when you see them going sour. Then you realize that the change and differences are too much. Certain relationships turn toxic and I no longer want to be in toxic relationships. Toxic relationships are the ones where your friends love to put you down, keep you down and make you feel down about yourself. That doesn't make them nasty, just human. These relationships are always about the other person, what you do to them and for them. They never see how they treat you which sucks because I am not friends with people because of what they can do for me. I try to remind myself that I love my friends to the point that I know the worst part of them and I still want to be their friend. I don't want to change or judge them. But there are those toxic friends that can't do the same for me. I'm over it and I have to remove myself from those relationships. I am taking control of the situation and if you can't support me without the backstabbing, I'm done. I can no longer do the up-front approach, it doesn't work. Toxic friends will not change their behavior they would rather turn the situation around to being about you and make everything your fault. So you have to let go and get new friends. Harsh but true. Friendships should be like-minded, happy, healthy, confident, not full of anger and aggression. I'm going to make new memories with my healthy friendships.
Loving creating new memories and making nontoxic friendships stronger.
To all my friends/sisters that love me no matter what, that are honest and not afraid to confront my flaws and theirs....I want you all to know that you will be the company I keep for life.
Sorry toxic friends but you will have to find someone else to co-sign everything you say, that will not speak up for themselves when you mistreat them and give more of themselves than you are willing to give of yourself. I can't deal with the backstabbing any longer. You picked your side now stay on it. I am not that friend anymore.