Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Life and Times: Running

Yes, I know I didn't get farther than week three of my 10k training post and for that I'm sorry. I will tell you that it was once again an amazing experience. Not only did I get to share it with my boyfriend and he got to accomplish a goal, but I was able to love running again. This experience was a little different for me.  It started around the same time as some health issues that had me feeling like I was on an episode of house. With the doctors bills to prove it, but that's a post for another day. Things turn out really well I lost 11lbs and now don't have to go through anymore crazy procedures,  hopefully.  It was a blessing in disguise. I officially run 12 to 13 minute miles and I finished at my fastest time to date 1:14. So with my health back to normal, my friend Tabby and I are going to start training for the 8k, I hope to update you more on this than I did on my 10k progress.