Monday, May 17, 2010

No Regrets

*Have as Many Kisses as Your Morals Allow*

So I was never sure if I was actually going to try this one but, while celebrating a friend's birthday and enjoying my 1st year at Strawberry Hill I realize that kissing a random guy happens from time to time. So why regret a simple display of attraction or passion. You never know it could be that kiss that makes your leg pop back, knees crave in, heart flutter, electricity strike and your brain fuzzy.

"Embrace your singledom and those rare moments of mutual attraction while you Can."

Truth be told kissing is my favorite thing because it is so intimate. I'm not always so flirty that I would just kiss any random guy but it happens and I never regret it not even the bad ones. The out of control tongues, the bad breath, the guys that think it is okay to lick your face.....gosh. They're all learning experiences. I am not going around making out or sleeping with every guy that I am attracted to or that a little liquid courage persuades me to. Its just that once in every blue moon that guy, whom could have every girl in the world, pulls you close to him and softly or aggressively (depends on how you like it) presses his lips against yours. That's when you say to yourself "oh wow I definitely will not regret this tomorrow."

So if your morals allow it go for it, if not find something else that makes you feel "emotionally alive" whether it's a romance novel or a chick flick. Hey when you are single you have to get in where you fit in.....

Still to come....Making the perfect pancakes or just cooking anything exceptional because sometimes you need a signature dish.