Friday, July 26, 2013

All we ever talk about: New Stage

Before I turn 30....

Turning thirty is a subject that is being discussed a lot in my small circle of friends. Most are excited, some are scared and then others, just don't want to discuss it at all. I don't know, is it even worth the discussion. Before I turn thirty there were things that I wanted to do. I wanted to be in a certain place in life. Which is odd because I've never been one to believe in check list for life. That things should go a certain way or life wasn't right. You're not a failure because your life doesn't look like someone else's.  You have to embrace the stages. Live a day at a time. I did it up in my twenties I experienced everything I should. I learned a lot because of my mistakes and taking chances. In my twenties I feared nothing, so why before my thirties am I full of worries. It's silly to not embrace this new age. Who cares about what I don't have it's more important about, where I've been and the person that I've become. So before I turn thirty I will embrace the independent fearless spunky 21, well maybe 25 (there was less drinking going on at 25) year old. At the end of the day my twenties weren't so bad. I have a feeling, I'll be excited about celebrating my 30th birthday. 

No Regrets: Rafting

Summer is here and its time for all things in the sun. Which means water adventures, checking groupon and living social for discounts. Love them and thanks to them, I found a great deal on rafting with River City Rafting. It's located on 100 Stockton Street and even with the sun beating down on us it was still a good experience. I will definitely be doing it again.

The view was amazing and though we spent most of the time trying not to fall out, we had a few breaks to get out and swim.

Life and Times: Dream House

Recently, I found my dream house! The house that I could raise my children, the house that I could be a wife, but there is a few problems. I am no where close to be a wife and a mother. And the main problem is that, I can not afford my dream house right now. That will not stop me from dreaming or putting certain things in place to make that dream come true.

Bedrooms:3 Bathrooms:3 Single Family:2,961 sq ft Lot:15,420 sq ft Year Built:1900    


No regrets: Back on it

Recently, I have found that I have been doing what most women do (not all but most.) I have gotten consumed by a relationship and began to lose myself. Lucky for me, I saw that and hopefully it's not to late for me to change it. Which means I'm back on my NO REGRETS. I have to take some time out for myself and put myself first again, sounds a little selfish but I'm not married, don't have any kids so what better time to continue to be selfish. I'm about to take my schedule/life back a little. I excited about the activities to come.

New regrets to avoid and things to experience:

Find the perfect red lipstick
Learn to pack well
Learn to meditate
Learn to cook something exceptional
Do something that scares you (This will be two or more post)
Quit the job you hate
I also will be including the making of my own regrets, this list I'm currently trying has been fun, but there are some other things that I would like to add. The adventure begins again!