Saturday, January 30, 2010



So it’s January 30, 2010 and we officially have snow but it’s not the snow that is the issue. No, it’s the crazy things we do to prepare for it and enjoy it.

I went to Kroger around 5:30 pm last night (not to go shopping but to get gift cards, yep I completely forgot about the snow) and as usual everybody in the area and surrounding area was buying the essentials. You know milk, bread, water, and beer. Well I thought that was the essentials until I see this lady with a basket full of diet lime coca cola. Nope I lie to you not nothing else but a basket full of coke. Right away I began to question why but why not maybe it was to melt the snow or who wouldn’t want to have diet lime coke just in case the water cut off (ugh!).

Now I question what snow essentials are really. Waking up this morning I knew we had essentials: Milk, bread, water and wine. Yet there was nothing that I really wanted to eat; so a walk to Ukrops sounded really good (don’t worry my roommate and I aren’t crazy Ukrops is only 5mins away from our house).

Our “now that we are really stuck in the snow” essential consist of:



Oranges and grapes

King syrup (really people Ukrops is about to close…we need this stuff)

Rainbow and chocolate chip cookies

Turkey bacon

Medley chips

More Silk

Bagel chips

Yea the snow brings out the crazy in all of us by the way it also brings out drunk old man that smell like pee and stand all in your personal space. That’s a story for another day.


Snow is Coming!
Karri Peifer

Published: January 27, 2010
Everything is Covered

According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch and every meteorologist in town, Richmond is going to get a nice snowfall this weekend … up to a foot, some people say. The snow is supposed to start as early as Friday afternoon and continue into Saturday.

In case you're new to Richmond, let me tell you how we do it here.

  • Someone somewhere says snow is coming to Central Virginia.
  • We Richmonders start paying attention.
  • Someone says it's coming to Richmond.
  • We Richmonders really start paying attention.
  • Someone brandishes the word "accumulation."

Done. Finished. Over. We who call Richmond home all-out lose our minds. In the case of this snow, it happens like this:

Tuesday morning: The word "accumulation" is used.

Tuesday afternoon: Accumulation confirmed. All weekend plans put on stand-by or out-right canceled.

Tuesday evening: First trip to supermarket for bread, milk, wine, beer and cookie dough.

Wednesday morning / afternoon: Calls around town for sleds begin (for the record, is one step ahead. No one has them; Pleasant's is expecting a shipment on Friday).

Wednesday evening: Local news does a story about the run on supermarkets for bread and milk. Second trip to supermarket for extra bread and milk, plus frozen pizzas and non-perishables, because you never know.

Thursday morning / afternoon: Spend workday obsessively checking the forecast. More calls for sleds. Search online for sleds, but decide against them because you can't believe how much sleds actually cost.

Thursday evening: Meet friends out for drinks or dinner because you never know when you'll get out again. Realize you forgot to buy bagels. How could you forget bagels? Third trip to supermarket.

Friday morning: Alternate staring out window for snow and consulting forecast for exact snow start time. Cancel the rest of weekend plans.

Friday afternoon: reports that it is snowing in your area. Run to window. Spend at least one hour yelling at because it is clearly not snowing. Ask boss about company inclement weather policy. Complain about said policy. Wait an hour; ask boss if company is closing early.

Friday evening: Fourth trip to supermarket on the way home for last-minute necessities, like chocolate and fancy hot cocoa. Alternate staring out window and watching local news for exact snow start time. Watch the Closings scroll to see if your work is closed on Monday, because you never know.

Friday night: Snow finally begins. Call/text all of your friends and family to see if it's snowing in their area and to make sure they're OK in the storm. Update Facebook status to reflect snowfall in case you missed anyone. Order pizza so you don't have to break into rations too soon.

Saturday morning: Marvel at snowfall. Fling pets / children into the snow so they can marvel and so you have pictures for your Facebook page.

Saturday afternoon: Drive or trudge to nearest hill and attempt to sled on a cookie sheet/shower curtain/trashcan lid/pool float.

Saturday evening: Meet friends for out for drinks or dinner to celebrate snow.

Sunday: Eat leftover pizza and stare out window, watching snow melt. Obsessively watch Closings list. Feel happy when the county you once lived in announces closing and then sad because you never became a teacher and now you have to go out, clean off the car and then go to work tomorrow. Plus you've got all that bread and milk to eat.

Sunday, January 24, 2010



OK well let me try to answer them to the best of my ability.

Whatever happened to Jon B? I’m not to sure, but he sure was a pretty white boy. Perhaps we should Wiki him.

I wish Friday would get her all ready…. Well considering I’m not really planning on going out this weekend I could care less. Would like to be off work though.

Who has the best French fries? I’m going to have to go with McDonalds on this one. I mean they are just classic. You can’t go wrong with them

And did you know that the 3rd Monday in January is the most depressing day of the month and it is also MLK day? That figures, of course the white man would be depressed on a black man’s birthday. Besides being “depressed” that’s a white rich people disease. Middle class people don’t have that option to sit at home and cry about they’re lives. I need to be at work.

When is texting enough and a phone called should be made? I think that more phone calls need to be made. Texting is so 2000’s we should bring back talking and writing more letters in 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No Regrets

2. French Fries-Without a Side of Guilt

The perfect fry for me is officially found at Kitchen 64 on the Boulevard. So on January 18th MLK day which happened to fall on the day that scientist have decided (the third Monday in January) is the most depressing day of the year. I decided to go to Kitchen 64 and take on their steak fries. Made with steak, steak fries, cheese and mushrooms these are the greatest invention ever. No, I didn’t eat them by myself my roommates helped and I still had leftovers.

I enjoy fries, next to pizza they are my favorite junk food and I never feel guilty for indulging in them.

Note: If you can’t do this there are always other options. Such as sweet-potato fries.

No Regrets

1. Learn to Love Champagne

I never really liked champagne I’m more of a sparkling wine kind of girl. Yet I figured I

should at least be able to tolerate the stuff at weddings.

Liking champagne has never been on my list of must dos but I gave it a try. I tried a Rose and something name after the first governor of California.

I will not give up maybe one day I will find one other then that I will stay with what I know I like.

Monday, January 4, 2010

No Regrets

So after talking to my mom this weekend I decided to make 2010 my no regrets year. I want to do all the things I should do before I’m too old, married or pregnant.

My mom is about to turn 47 and she decided she wants to learn to swim along with a list of other things. She stated how she does not want me to look back with "what if" and spend my life waiting for life to happen.

I agree it is about me now and not what society thinks/states I should be doing at 25/26 or even what the rest of my peers are doing.

So here I go with no regrets….

1: Learn to Love Champagne

*I will keep you all updated on the outcome of each task. I will not complete everything in the book especially if it is something I have already done or can not afford to do. For example: Going ghost hunting in England would have to go on my bucket list.*

No Regrets: 101 Fabulous Things to do Before you're too Old, Married, or Pregnant is written by Sarah Ivens

Hard Times

When things are hard and you can't bring yourself to cry you have to dance it out....

Most times in my life I wish that I could dance it out. But this morning I really had to put some jasmine Sullivan in and sing it out. Singing over dancing really! Well since I figure it could be possible to fake being a good dancer more then a singer. I usually picked singing. So what do you think, would you rather dance or sing it out?

This leads me to another question. Would you rather have a dance off or a sing off and why?

I mean I could fight about it but why not dance….

Still to come….I wish I had a sound track for my life.



How we really feel about skinny jeans on guys

I just don’t like that look on guys. How hard is it to find a guy that just can wear a nice pair of denim jeans, NOT SKINNY! And not something that’s torn or ripped to look like you had them in the 8th grade. With a nice pair of sneakers or either nice dress shoes, from like Cole Haan or something. With a nice buttoned down shirt on. Why is that so hard to find? I don’t get it. Guys are stupid if they think that girls think that them having on more jewelry or scarfs around their necks as fashion pieces, jeans that are tighter than mine and their favorite costume character tshirt. THAT IS NOT ATTRACTIVE FOR GUYS OVER THE AGE OF 18!!! Ugggghhhhhh!!