Monday, January 4, 2010

Hard Times

When things are hard and you can't bring yourself to cry you have to dance it out....

Most times in my life I wish that I could dance it out. But this morning I really had to put some jasmine Sullivan in and sing it out. Singing over dancing really! Well since I figure it could be possible to fake being a good dancer more then a singer. I usually picked singing. So what do you think, would you rather dance or sing it out?

This leads me to another question. Would you rather have a dance off or a sing off and why?

I mean I could fight about it but why not dance….

Still to come….I wish I had a sound track for my life.

1 comment:

  1. I would rather have a dance off, since I totally can't sing. Plus, I think I would enjoy it more.

    Also, sometimes I need to sing and dance it out at the same time, that is always awesome as well!
