Monday, December 27, 2010

Don't take it into the New Year: Soundtrack of my life

Life and times of Love: 2011 Goals

Prepare myself for my blessings
Better myself (mentally, spiritually and physically)
Run 10K
Enjoy the now "27"
Do what I want now that I can be selfish and have no one to worry about but myself
Do the things I used to love (for example writing)
Save money to travel in 2012

This is a new section that I am introducing for 2011. These post will basically be the same as the no regrets post but it will be all the crazy things I do on my own and not from a book. The things I listed above is just an overview of what I want to do next year. Though some of the stuff listed could be hard to share with you I look forward to coming up with ways that I can. :) Yay 2011!!

All we ever talk about is PARTYING,fashion, and men....


After growing out my hair to it's natural color I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I have been coloring my hair since I was 14 and at 25 I thought why not go back to my natural color. Well I couldn't be just natural so I decided to cut my hair too. I love my short hair but like I said I am over my natural color. I mean you can't control everything in life but I love the feeling of control when I change my hair and it turns out great. So raise your glasses because I am going back to rocking a different color hairdo. I'm starting off slow with highlights and keeping my cut short so we will see.....

I will update you with pictures as soon as I like taking pictures but I guess it defeats the whole purpose if I don't let you see my hair through the stages of change.....So pics soon to come.....


So sorry I have been slacking with the random crazy things that my friends and I say but here's a few things that I can remember being said over the past few months.

If they really want my love, they need to go to Coach and buy me a purse.

Girl, you are from VA, that automatically means you got fire down there, now what you do with it is on you.

That twister game naked is the hotness.....

I play by the rules, you play by the game

Will single girls now and forever more die hitting the refresh button

Rolled hard and put away wet

Love as often as you can. Dance like nobody's watching. Travel. Eat. Try new foods because, you never know what's coming for you and when it's time to let go, you got to let go.- T. Henson

I can hear myself screaming choose me, pick me......

Sunday, December 19, 2010

No Regrets- Swinging on Poles

Officially my body is in pain because I took my first pole dancing class yesterday. Honestly I had a blast.

I walked into this class with two parties, a bachelorette party and a group of older ladies that were having a girls day out. At that point I thought to myself great, I get to meet knew people and there might be someone in the class that is awful because I just knew I was going to be awful at it. Well once we got into it- it didn't start out that bad. You have the warm up then she teaches you the stripper posture, the walk, and the caress. When she taught the caress the class kind of went to the humorous side because she kept saying "Ladies please remember it is very important to touch yourself at all times".....LMBO! And let me just say I was not the only one that thought that was funny.

And then comes the hard part.....

Next we were taught how to grind, rock and grind, how to grind to the floor. Then we had to go from the floor back to standing while looking sexy the whole time. We did it but it didn't look cute or sexy. So our instructor had to keep reminding us when coming off the floor to lead with the ass. After the floor work we hit the pole. She taught us to work the pole slowly. How to walk around the pole, how to climb the pole, and do a simple spin around the pole. Warning....the pole is always slippery (which once we were told this we began to giggle like little girls). Also the simple spin looks simple but is of course not simple. Now after all of this comes the fun part when we take what we learned and put it together. Sounds like a good idea if we could actually do it. But with practice I think I just might be a little seductive with what I learned. Naw....I might have to take that back. Anyway after the cool down I talked to the instructor and she basically sold me on taking more classes.

So I hope you enjoyed this post because there will be many more and maybe some pictures.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Music- Soundtrack of my life

Special Edition Part 2

Now that you know the rules here are some warning/ things that you must understand.

1. There are no guarantees.

Don't expect to have a conversation about the future. You will not be participating in family events, exchanging gifts or meeting the friends (unless the know about the situation). Once MLK day comes around the cuffer will be telling you they need space.

2. You may think that you're in a relationship but you aren't....

You will not meet the parents, go on any couples night. No titles at all. You will be introduced as the friend.

3. You don't owe them anything don't buy anything and don't expect anything.

Just don't get gifts, don't wear anything fly, don't buy new fragrances...they get what they get due to the situation.

4. You're not exclusive (I don't even think I need to explain this)

5. You are probably not the girl or guy of their dreams

Believe me if you were they would not be letting you go.

There is no real rhyme or reason to this at all. It's just something that some people may do so they aren't lonely during the winter. It sucks but it happens.

I found out more but this is all the time I am willing to give to that you are up to speed do what you will with it.

All we ever talk about.....Special Edition

Now that cuffin season is suspended….let’s be warned….

What is cuffin season, well it's
when you meet someone in the beginning of Fall and date/ sleep with them throughout the winter, then call it quits when it starts getting warm. Which means that cuffin season only last from Labor Day until the 3rd of November, it is then suspended until February 15th and finally ends the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. Why during this time period you may ask.....well lets be smart we have to avoid holidays and Valentines day. It's about having someone to keep you warm during the lonely season not about being in a relationship.

I knew about cuffing season but I never knew people really did this and it was bought up in a random conversation a few months back then I heard a PSA on the radio warning people about this time of year so I thought this was definitely worth blogging about.

Some people may think that this is something that guys made up but girls do participate either way. To participate you must follow the rules, yes there are rules. Now people who play the game may say that cuffin season doesn't exist because real playas don't take off, they play the game yearly. Yet somehow there is a time when guys/girls who just couldn't commit during the summer end up being one woman man or one man woman.....hmmm right.

So once I confirmed that this was true I had to find the rules that most participants follow during this season.

Rules to Cuffin Season

1. Don't invade each other space, you're here to get a long and fulfill each others needs...that's it.
2. Don't just find the most attractive girl or guy, make sure there is something else there because you have to be able to stand being around this person.
3. Don't just sleep together and go to your separate them enough attention to keep them coming back.
4. Don't try to prove you are with them by caring too much about their life, don't ask about their job, hopes or dreams. You just care when they can be at your place and how long.
5. Don't pursue what's not there. This isn't a relationship there is always some else going on in each of yall lives. Work, school, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend.....most of the time it is just about the sex.
6. If he or she is on the phone a quarter of the time you're together and doesn't work or own a business, dead them. Just let them go, they are really not following the rules.
7. Girls like to have a sense of security, so give her that. Don't be flaky and let her know what's up-up front.
8. Guys want you to be ready to go when they call....drop what you are doing or they will move on to the their back up for the rest of the season.
9. Be careful. Twitter and facebook can fail you during cuffin season.
10. Don't be an enable. If your letting them in your place all day chillin, cleaning, cooking, playing video games etc. then get them out of your place. That may make them think more is going on like a relationship......remember this is not about a relationship.

Don't blame me I didn't make these up I found them thanks to my friend google.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

All we ever talk about is partying, FASHION and men

The search is on!!!

And for what may you ask. For the perfect LBD or Princess Dress. A woman doesn't need a reason to buy a new dress. Who cares about New Years Eve, it's not my birthday but I am really in need of a fly dress to go with my new red heels. Something fabulous, sexy and classy all at the same time.

If like me you work hard, play hard and love hard why not treat yourself.

I think about the little black dress and I think sex appeal, something that makes you feel good. Yet it is a staple in a females wardrobe so of course I already have one...hmmm....

Princess dress- I don't own one, so maybe I should......

I'm going to continue the search and keep you updated on my finds and if by chance you come across a great spot to look let me know.

Soundtrack of My Life

Thursday, December 2, 2010

No Sorrows Just Lessons

The year is almost over and if I can't say anything else about this year, I can say I have learned so much about myself and the people around me. I started this blog for many reasons and a big part of it was my no regrets post. I haven't posted in while because life happens and lessons happen. The 25 year old me had a blast, loved 25 and the 26 year old me well there are no words. I went into this year thinking I would better myself, my relationships and my faith. In the end I didn't recognized who I was and how I allowed myself to become this person because I didn't see the better. Now I do....I have learned to apologize first (which is on my list of no regrets) yay and that not everything you want is what you need or meant for you. There were many more lessons but they were sad and now that I have learned I'm happy, so lets move on.

As I go into 2011 which has been given the motto "New Truth" and "No Boys Allowed" by a friend and my roommates I will continue going down my list of regrets I hope not to make and just enjoy being me and sharing it with you all.

Looking forward I am excited about....visiting my family in Texas and Kentucky. My second and last tattoo (maybe), being apart of the hospitality team at church, my yearly trip to the beach and not regretting a moment of being 27 in 2011. Bye 26 and 2010 you sucked but thanks for all that you taught me. :)

No Regrets

*Learn to Cook Something Exceptional*

Every fabulous girl should have a signature dish to wow guests. I love to cook, there is nothing better then being in the kitchen. It helps with my stress and I love to see people enjoy my food. There are so many things that I make well but exceptional I don't know. I'm still working on pancakes but right now it is not a good look. I have no regrets about my cooking ability but I will keep working on making exceptional dishes. Look forward to many future post about my 2011 dishes.