Monday, October 10, 2011

Frank Ocean Thinking About You

I am so in love with this song!! Check out the awesome job these girls do below mixing this song with Drake's Headlines.

No Regrets

62 Spend the whole weekend in bed

Sounds wonderful right! In the hustle and bustle of life sometimes we just need to stop and rest. Do something for ourselves or just take some time to do nothing at all. Spending a whole weekend in bed sounds hard. No pun intended. Maybe you'll go stir crazy or feel sick from the lack of moment. Yet, still I took on this task, someone had to do it. I stocked my kitchen with all my favorite foods. Bought my favorite take out (note: PF Changs). No need to count calories this is a carefree weekend. I put clean sheets on my bed and put on my uniform for the weekend, pajamas. night of this was great but as Saturday night came I got bored. I took a candle lit bubble bath and tried to keep the mood slow and relaxing. But I had to get out of the house. So in my pjs I went to the store, after another nap, stocked up on magazines and more movies to continue the weekend. I was so proud of myself that I was able to slow down. It was settling and refreshing. Even though I couldn't stay in bed the entire time. It was good to just be still.

All we ever talk about is partying, FASHION and men.....


Shoe therapy, does it really exist? I don't know but credit card might be introduced to this new found need to fill any and ever void with shoes. It worked for Carrie (Sex and the City) so let's see if it works for me.

First purchase: I decided to give a try. What I found was a cute nice pair of boots and a scam. Now the commercial tells you that you can get any pair of shoes for $39.95. Hmmm.....not every pair of shoes on their site should cost $39.95, right. Well I found out that the $39.95 is a monthly membership and that you have to pay whether you buy shoes that month or not. No thank you!! With all these free sites out here I don't think it is really with it. But I will wear my boots until I can't wear them anymore you better count on that.

Second and Third purchase: Thank goodness for Target without that store I would be barefoot. I got a pair of cute flats and wedges for $40. Love it!

Fourth purchase: I'm trying to chill out but this shoe therapy is bringing me so much joy and so will these new shoes I found on Amazon for $18.

Pictures soon to come.