Saturday, February 13, 2010

Partying, FASHION, and men

This seasons essentials

Hobo Bag


Prices range from $10-$50

Pencil Skirt at Target $20-$30

Simple white shirt (button up or t-shirt)

Target $10-25

Best Buys: TJ Maxx, Forever 21, or Marshalls

Thursday, February 4, 2010

All we ever talk about is partying, fashion and MEN

You know when you are moving on from a guy that you should have known was going to be a waste of your time. I think you go through symptoms of withdrawal.

First of all you have to go cold turkey. So you do everything you can to extract the individual from your life. Delete his number, change your hangout spots, and just stop talking to him and about him in general.

Yet you miss having that person to talk to. It’s not even like the conversations were deep or so entertaining that you feel like you have a void. They were very lack luster because you know guys don’t really do the phone thing. Yet you have to call, you need to call and you wonder what they are doing, how was their day. Then you feel stupid for even caring. You get mad at yourself for wanting him.

So once that stage is over you move on to the why. Why isn’t he calling, why doesn’t he want to know what you are doing and how your day/week/month is going. Stupid, stupid, stupid…..withdrawal. But if you make it through the days, weeks, even the month; the hard part is over and he is no longer in your thoughts. Then opps here comes another one to temp you but you can’t forget the pains of withdrawal. The cravings, self doubt, the self pity, the nervous twitch (haha there is no nervous twitch but that would be funny).

There should be like automatic alert embedded in our mind so when the bs guys approach us we know to keep it moving and to not waste our time with them.