Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Mindy Project

My new favorite show has to be The Mindy Project.  Mindy is Bridget Jones with a little more self esteem and a medical degree. The show is smart, modern and funny. Mindy's character finds herself in normal situations, some of her own creation, that any out spoken city girl would get themselves into and did I mention that it's hilarious.


Good bye, Zumba hello kickboxing. When my doctor told me I had high cholesterol and high blood pressure, what's a woman to do. Well I decided to kick my way through it. corny as that is it made me laugh just a little bit. Anyway, right now my health is the most important thing to me. I opted out of taking the medication and decided to lower both on my own. Kickboxing is a great workout because it combines strength and cardio. Kickboxing isn't the only thing I'm doing, it's just my newest effort to be healthy. I figured with calorie counting and training for the 10k everything should be back in order soon. I would advise you to join the craze it's pricey at Martial Arts World, but it's worth it. Plus, with the gym being overly crowded until March, people could use another option. So look out for groupons and living social deals then give it a try. I love kickboxing!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Random and Forgetful

To my handful of random followers I have not forgotten about you but I've had a hard time remembering my passions. Life gets so busy but it should never be so busy that you forget the people and things you care about the most. A good friend of mine reminded me that this blog could become more than a hobby, it could be my passion. I used to want to be a writer. I know somewhere inside of me is that same girl with all these hopes, dreams and plenty of words to go with them. I can say that I have fallen into the norm of life. Get up go to work, come home and get ready to do it all again. As grateful as I am to have a job it is not my passion. I have forgotten what it is like to do things for me. When I first started this blog I was on a mission to have no regrets and do all the things I can while I am single and without children. I have done those things, but I have missed the best part of this achievement and that's sharing those random fun or some times boring moments with you. Mission is still on. Take 553 of the blogging experience.


If only we had these in college....

 I came across the sophisticated version of the red solo cup at Cracker Barrel.

 This would have been a challenge when playing flip cup but we would've made it work.