Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Life and Times of Love: Soul mate or No Mate

I was having one of those great talks with my mom today and she asked me an interesting question. She wanted to know if I believed in soul mates. I really had to think on the root of the question before I could truthfully answer. My mom is a woman who has been in back to back relationships since before I was born until I was a teenager. She is now happy and single doing all the things she wish he had done years ago. She really wanted to know if her single daughter who has never been in a relationship, not consisting of over the phone (no face to face) or through text messaging for more than 9 months, believed in soul mates. I had to tell her no.....

I used to be a romantic who believed that GOD made one person just for me and when he thought that I was ready, I would meet him, fall in love and have plenty of babies. Now after broken messy relationships and a heartbreak that I may never get over, I can't honestly say I believe in soul mates. Well of course my mom didn't agree. For some odd reason she believes in soul mates. Yet is confused about if you meet them when you are young and can start a family or when you are 60 and can just enjoy each other. She continues with her confusion by asking me this rambling question. "If you live in Virginia and your soul mate lives in California how would yall ever meet?" (yea she's my mom.) Well I had to give her two answers, my romantic answer "Well God would fix it so we would meet randomly, through friends, in a airport or maybe on vacation."

Then my true feelings....If there was such a thing as soul mates then why are all the great women I know, that would be great girlfriends and great wives, either single or having a hard time finding a mate. I know GOD built us for companionship but who said that companion was supposed to be a husband or a wife. Not everyone gets married or at least spends their lives with that one person. Maybe I'm broken and bitter. But I can't truly believe that GOD is keeping me "happily" single until I am ready for my soul mate or he is ready for me. I used to believe that but I don't anymore. That might be sad but that's where life has taken me. I had to reassure my mom that I would at least try just in case there is someone out there for me. I have no idea who I had that conversation with but that was not my mom. But it does make me think that if someone so independent and content with what life gave her could believe in soul mates then maybe...well umm naw....I don't think I can....

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