Sunday, August 14, 2011

Life and Times of Love: Palm Reading

I went to get my palm read! This was something that I have always wanted to do. So one afternoon I was bored and decided to give it a try. $40s later and a lot of thinking, I decided it was a money game. Of course I already knew that but it was a different experience. These people (psychics) tell you things that could be believable for anyone. Your reaction to hearing the great things open up the door to enable them to get your money. So after they inform you of these great things they tell you that there are evil forces working against you to take away your happiness. Then they tell you that if you give them more money they can help. No I was not about it! That psychic was not getting anymore of my money. Either way, I'm glad I experienced it but let me tell you for a second that lady had me. So I can understand how people fall for that kind of stuff.

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