Saturday, January 1, 2011

No Regrets

Being nice to a friends' love interest is never easy. When it comes to dating there are so many hits and misses before you find the person that fits you. So as you date you introduce your friends to these guys that you think are great, yet your friend sees it before you do. The guys that are needy, controlling, cowardly, liars and users....really the list can go on.

So then the friend is stuck with a person that they don't want in their life or wouldn't have chosen to have in their life, that's how I have and can tend to feel about some of my friends' love interest. You have these girls that are so amazing dealing with anything just so they won't be alone. So you have to be a good friend and put up with the waste of space boyfriends or favors of the moment (yea I had to bring that back) hoping that your friends will come to their senses.

We judge them unworthy knowing that if you say something to your friend they might think you are jealous because you are single. Which is hardly ever true but we females are emotional like that. As I get older I understand that being nice to my friends' love interest is much easier than disapproving. I have to remember that they can marry these guys and they could be around forever.

If you can't be nice to your friends' love interest some may suggest that you remove yourself from the situation completely or if there is something that rubs you the wrong way about him, take advice from neutral people around you. Let's be serious we are all adults and if someone truly wants to be with someone it doesn't really matter how their friends feel. As long as the friend is tolerate of the love interest when they are forced around each other. Yes it sucks but I have had plenty of practice. Recently I had a good friend of mines boyfriend tell me that I was a great friend to his girlfriend and he was glad she had someone like me in her life. I thought to myself you poor idiot if you only knew how I really felt about you....haha.....but it is not my place to judge. It is my duty as a friend to support my friends and be there regardless if the relationship ends in disaster or marriage.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you! But, isn't it soo hard to not say anything to them?!!! This is something I am working on!
