My dad was a drug dealer, a thief and my mom was a drug user but it didn't start out that way. For my mom life changed at 13, this 13 year old girl that desperately wanted the love of a mother and the attention of a father. Went out in the world to get what she wasn't getting from home. This 13 year old girl now 47 says to me that no decision she made in life affects the woman I am today. Though I know that there is a difference between that being true and that being what she wants, I get it. I understand that life is messy and for my mom life was disaster. So at 47 the only thing that turned out pretty decent in her life was me, which means that somewhere God's glory shines. My mom and I have always been close, as a child it was us against the world. My dad in jail and my mom working two jobs trying not to fail as a single mom, as a woman. She didn't fail but the world took a hold of her, drugs consoled her and somewhere I got left behind. In no way am I trying to make it seem like she was a bad mother but I want you to understand that life happens. So at 13 my life changed and will that affect my children, yes it will. At 13 the bottom fall out. My best friend, my mother, my everything wasn't who I thought she was and I had no idea why. The drugs, lying, stealing, I saw none of it. It wasn't until I was 18 that I began to gasp how truly strong my mother was, is and will always be. We remain close, I tell her everything, even things I forget when remember I tell her that too. Recently she said to me that she would like to believe that God gave me the best of both my parents. Her strength, independence and her survival stills. I would like to believe that too.
I tell this story because I think it is good for people to hear a little of my testimony so you can understand my journey today. At the beginning of the year I asked my mom to be my accountability partner on this journey I am taking this year. This week she has done a good job keeping me on track which inspired this post :).
wow lovey! thanks for sharing.:)