Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lifes and Times: Garderning

The last two years I have started this plant collection. It started off with just two plants my Aunt asked me to keep after a visit because she couldn't take them back to Texas. Since then I have been trying my best not to kill them and I will not be defeated. There has been some loses but still the collection has been getting bigger. Now that I am getting to be serious about not killing plants maybe I should look into learning more about gardening and plant care.

This is Violet my roommates bought her for my birthday and I planted her in the back yard. I don't know if that is okay with the owners but who doesn't like flowers.

This is Mulan . I was told by my roommate's mother that she was hard to kill. We will see how long she last under my care.

This is Gladys she was given to me by a friend (Hi Rachel). I have been doing a good job taking care of her if I say so myself. She requires a lot more attention then I am used to but she seems happy, right.

This was Shelia she seems to still be making it though her color has changed and she no longer grows. I'm not going to give up on her but I have no idea how to fix her. By the way the lady that I bought her from claimed that she wouldn't require a lot of care or water. She lied.

Lastly, this is Gloria she is truly a survivor she was one of the first two plants I was given and I have yet to kill her. She has gotten smaller but still alive.

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